SOFR/Euro Dollar ProductFixed-income

The Euro Dollar transition to SOFR has been a tremendous success. Liquidity in SOFR is comparable to the old Eurodollar complex. The XFA SOFR option team (formerly Euro Dollars) is comprised of former Bank/Hedge Fund option traders. The team was created to provide customers with a smarter and more efficient way to execute option trades. Over the past years, the team’s success has led to growth and subsequently adding Clearing/Trade Processing as well as Pit Execution. The order handling process is streamlined within XFA as it stays within the firm until finally given up to clearer. The order starts with the option desk, flows through to the very talented and experienced XFA pit execution team, and finally ends up with XFA’s equally talented and experienced clearing and trade processing specialists. The trade is taken from A to Z within the firm and followed until it is properly cleared. XFA can assist you with on the fly structure pricing, Greek valuation, constant maturity historical structure pricing, historical volatility analysis, historical skew analysis, relative rich/cheap analysis, economic release analysis as it affects ATM vols and futures, and much more.